Charm is defined as "the power or quality of giving delight or arousing admiration." It is wildly unique, in that it’s intangible but easily recognizable. It’s simply one of those things that you know when you see it.

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When it comes to identifying charming people, that’s easy—they are often described as funny, engaging, good-looking, and disarming. But what makes a town charming? A town has no human qualities, but it can possess qualities that make it feel comforting. Towns can have quaint shops, cobblestone streets, and consistent, understated architecture. Connecticut is loaded with beautiful and charming towns that truly sparkle during the Christmas holiday season.

Rather than cover the whole state, I’d like to narrow the focus to the Greater Danbury area, which at its core consists of Danbury, Brookfield, Bethel, Ridgefield, Newtown, New Milford, and New Fairfield.

Which of these seven towns has the most Christmas charm? I know what I believe to be true, but I’d like to hear what you have to say.

If this were 15 years ago, I’d say this was a four-town race. But in recent years, the others have caught up, and you could make a strong case for any of them.

Take this for what it’s worth, which is absolutely nothing, but I believe this is the current ranking for Christmas charm:

1. New Milford - For my money there is nothing that beats a stroll across the green and down Bank Street during the Christmas season, nothing.
2. Ridgefield – I think they get extra points for the amazing job they do decorating for the holiday and for their public celebrations.
3. Newtown - An American classic.
4. Brookfield - These guys have come on strong in the last four years.
5. Bethel - I love the aesthetic here.
6. Danbury – This pains me; Danbury is my beloved home, but c’mon.
7. New Fairfield - Sorry.

3-5 has my head messed up, I changed the order several times.

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P.S. Charm is my business. I leave vapor trails of charm juice in my wake. I'm crop-dusting charm.

9 Christmas Movies Filmed in Connecticut

Unique Christmas Tree Decorations From All Over the Greater-Danbury Area

Every year, I battle with my wife Erica over the Christmas tree. Is it straight? Why is this section not as full as this one? Do you really need an ax to put up a fake tree? You know, these are normal decoration discussions. When we are done, we have a hastily prepared Christmas tree in our living room. It's never the best, it's never the worst and we find ourselves with the baseline requirements for the holiday. Decorating for the holidays is not our thing but some people go above and beyond, both in, and out of their home. In years past I have written about the amazing Christmas light displays around Danbury. This year, I wanted to take a peak inside people's homes. I asked our readers to please send me a photo of their holiday trees. What I got back was a beautiful and diverse array of Christmas trees. These are some of the submissions we got from Danbury, Ridgefield, Sherman, Brewster, Mahopac and beyond. 

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

5 Underrated Christmas Movies Your Family Has Probably Never Seen Before

We all know that selecting a movie for a group of people is not easy and that is how you found yourself here, asking advice from an angry radio personality. On paper, I’m not fit to make decisions for myself, let alone an entire group of strangers. But, you are in the right place because to quote Dwight Schrute “I know everything about film, I’ve seen over 240 of them.”

You’ve found yourself at a common roadblock, one or more of your family members have decided they want to watch a movie they’ve never seen before. You suggested “Elf” and someone said, “not again”, you said we can watch “Home Alone” and someone groaned “nooooo.”

What Christmas movie can you watch that you’ve never seen before? These are 5 Underrated Christmas Movies Your Family Has Probably Never Seen. 

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

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