Don’t forget this weekend, we “Spring Ahead” and return to daylight saving time. It's happening Saturday night, so set those clocks ahead one hour.

It's not exactly my favorite night of the year. Anytime you lose an hour of sleep, it's a pretty serious thing in my world, but there is one significant benefit. Starting Sunday it will be getting darker an hour later, so that means more sunshine.

The downside is that it's back to darkness early in the morning. Also, did you know there are some serious health and safety risks when we turn the clocks ahead, especially the day after we do the "spring forward" thing?

So with all the risk, and just the extra daylight as a reward, why do we set the clocks ahead? Seems like it all boils down to money and the economy — figures, doesn't it?

Also don't forget, local Fire Departments recommend that when you're setting your clocks ahead, make sure you check the batteries in the smoke alarms in your home.

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