Seven Fifth Graders Up for Connecticut’s Next Kid Governor
Each year since 2015, a national award-winning civics program for 5th graders created by the Connecticut Democracy Center has been giving you a chance to vote for Connecticut's Kid Governor.
This year the polls will be open from now through November 12th, and you can cast your vote for any one of the seven candidates.
According to, seven 5th graders have been chosen as the final candidates, and each candidate has put together a video with their platform, they have also outlined what leadership qualities they have, they've chosen a community issue that is important to them and they even created a three-point plan outlining ways for 5th graders in the state to make a difference around that issue.
Here's a look at the seven candidates and what issues they are campaigning on:
- 1
Ariana's Community Issue is Suicide & Mental Health
- 2
Daisey's Community Issue is Pollution
- 3
Derek's Community Issue is Brightening the Lives of Homeless Children
- 4
Dwayne's Community Issue is Helping Children with Disabilities
- 5
Kylie's Community Issue is Kids and Technology Addiction
- 6
Lucie's Community Issue is Diversity in Schools and Sports
- 7
Myra's Community Issue is Animal Abuse