Unique Business Headed to Danbury May Be a Slam Dunk For Date Night
It's called Board & Brush Creative Studio and the Danbury location is set for its Grand Opening on Wednesday, May 29.
The studio will be located at 5 Eagle Road in Danbury and will offer wooden sign making classes and team building exercises. According to a social media post from the company, their complete calendar of events begins with a "Pick Your Project" workshop on May 31.
In my opinion, this is all the makings of a date night like no other. The ladies are going to go bananas over this -- it will be very popular.
How do I know? I know, because this would likely be the last thing I would choose to do on a date. I'm not saying it's not cool - it's awesome. And I'm not saying I would not participate, because I would. What I mean is that every instinct and idea I have is completely wrong, so the opposite must be right. This would never come into my mind when putting together a date night with my wife, which means I should schedule a date night to do this and soon.
I know less about women than maybe any man on Earth. That said, I know they love activities. They love the idea of doing stuff, stuff with a structure, a time frame and an objective. This has it all for the ladies; a beginning, middle, an end and two poorly made signs when all is said and done. If it were up to men, we would do nothing. Always.
Date night just jumped up a notch in Danbury. One question remains: Can I bring wine? Their website says yes.
P.S. Themes and phrases appearing in this article are intentional "tips of the cap" to many Seinfeld episodes and not haphazard, comedic thievery. There was no getting around it on this subject.
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