What is running along faster than Usain Bolt, jacked up on caffeine on a windy day? The answer is the remodel of Taco Bell on Main Street in Danbury.

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A few months ago, my sister texted me in a panic and said: "have you heard anything about Taco Bell?" I said what, and she said "what is going on with the Taco Bell by your house on Main Street?" I said I have no idea, she said "It's been torn down."

I felt the shock rush over my body that comes with a devastating loss like this and stopped myself from melting down. "It can't be," I shouted, there can't be a financial reason for that location to close it's doors or be torn down. The drive-thru line is always full and sometimes snakes into the road.

I made a phone call to the I-95 Newsroom (true story) and asked everyone who might have any knowledge of this situation to give me answers. After some mumbling and a few tense moments, my co-worker came back on the line and said it's not closing or being demolished, it's being remodeled. To say the least, I was relieved, I mean this is where I had my first-ever Gordita, my first chicken Chalupa and my first Fire Taco.

After starting to feel better, my mood turned again to sadness, how long will Taco Bell be closed I wondered? The newsroom didn't have any answers on that when I called back (true story).

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Now, it was a waiting game and I've been paying close attention. I drive by it everyday and take mental inventory of progress from the day before. I've peered in the windows, and through the construction plastic at night to see if a door had been hung, was a fixture mounted and was there any fresh paint?

I'm here to tell you, I've never seen a remodel of anything go this fast. I don't know the company in charge of this rebuild but they are flying. I've seen different crews working all at once like a symphony. When I drove by today, new paint, fresh paint on the exterior and it looks like we are getting close. I can smell the 5-Layer Beefy Burritos from here, it's almost time to Live Mas!

P.S. Seriously I don't know how this is happening but it can't be a comfortable work environment for these crews. You have a small space, packed with general construction guys, plumbers, electricians and painters. They are working themselves into a lather with not much ventilation, it can't smell awesome in there. It probably smells like a 6 day old Crunchwrap Supreme in a dumpster on an August day.

I might have to stop by and drop off some cans of Glade for morale.

Lou Milano
Lou Milano

Watching the commercials are becoming difficult as I wait for re-entry but when it happens it will be magic, like the time I learned Taco Bell was going to serve booze. Even bigger, the time they said they would start offering salaries of as much as $100,000 in select locations in the Northeast.

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