The Most Commonly Seen Bird in Connecticut is Not the Robin
The American Robin is the official state bird of Connecticut, people love the Robin, it's the first bird of spring, but it's not the bird that most people see in the state.
If you're a bird enthusiast, then you're probably like my wife. Bird houses all over our yard, Hummingbird feeders set in strategic locations, plenty of bird feeders set up, and yes even a bird cam surveillance camera. See, I told you she is serious.
Now being that the American Robin is the official state bird of Connecticut, you would think that people would see the Robin more than any other bird, but it's not the case.
According to, the Robin ranks fourth on the list of birds most seen in Connecticut backyards during the entire year with a 30% frequency. The bird more people have reported seeing in the state in their backyards, coming in at number one with a 48% frequency is....the Blue Jay, followed by the Northern Cardinal at 41% frequency, and the Mourning Dove at 40% frequency.
The Robin is however listed as the most common backyard bird during the summer months, (June to July) with an impressive 59% frequency. The most common bird seen in backyards during winter months (December to February) is the Black-Capped Chickadee with a 41% frequency. But overall, the winner of the most commonly seen bird over a 12 month span is the Blue Jay.
By the way, in case you were wondering, the Blue Jay and Robin were actually tied in New York State, both seen with a 42% frequency throughout the year followed very closely by the Cardinal with a 41% frequency.
According to, Blue Jays are very common to areas from southern Canada and throughout the eastern and central parts of the United States, and have been seen as far south as Florida and northeastern Texas.
Of course you'll know a Blue Jay when you see one, they are mostly blue, with a white chest and a lighter blue crest bordered in black. Both the male and female are similar in size and color. Their diet basically consists of seeds and nuts, but sometimes they'll indulge on small insects.
The Blue Jay is extremely aggressive to other birds and can sometimes take over or raid another birds nest, even killing the inhabitants of that nest.
So next time you're out in the yard, take a look around and see what birds you spot, who knows, you may be on your way to a "Big Year". (movie reference, see trailer below).