The Ghosts of Candlewood Lake’s Chicken Rock
The following is a chilling ghost story about Candlewood Lake. Read it first and then ask yourself, is it only an urban legend or could it be true?

Thank you to the New England Horror Writers and especially Kristi Petersen Schoonover for scaring me half to death, and giving me the jump start to write this blog.
On the southern tip of Green Island is one of the most popular spots on Candlewood Lake called Chicken Rock, where you swim from your boat and climb up the trail off to the side of the rock and jump off into the water -- which is easier said than done. If you cruise on over during a warm sunny summer afternoon, most of the jumpers are teens who are going through their, "I'm invincible" stage.
Chicken Rock is 25 feet straight up and really doesn't look very scary from the water, but when you reach the top and look down, it looks terrifying. As they were growing up, all three of my kids made just one jump each. My wife, Mindy, climbed the trail to the top of Chicken Rock, stood at the top for 30 minutes, shook her head, and then climbed down. Maybe it was for the best.
Sadly, over the years, a handful of jumping accidents have occurred by daredevils not jumping out far enough and either whacking their head on the rocks or landing in shallow water. The story is told that if you cruise out to Chicken Rock in the dark of night and turn off your boat lights and wait, you can supposedly observe the spirits of those that have tragically died as they relive their last jump or hear their last screams. Has anyone you know experienced such a phenomena, or is this story just another one of those urban legends? Go ahead and give it a try. I dare ya.
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