As soon as I saw the article about the "Boobie Bar", I was all in.

Given the fact that I've been a guy for all of my 66 years, when I read "Boobie Bar," my brain immediately conjured up a drinking establishment where the bartenders were all topless women. Some women would call me a disgusting pig-animal to assume that the "Boobie Bar" was a creepy establishment that would objectify women, and if you're offended, I apologize, but here's the reality — 95% of the men who read my headline were thinking the exact same thing.

The "Boobie Bar" is not a topless drinking establishment, it's the original herbal lactation bar to maximize milk supply for nursing moms. Invented by Nurse Wendy Carlson, RN, IBCLC, who's purpose was to combine nutritious ingredients that supports healthy lactation and milk supply. "Boobie Bars" contain no corn, no dairy, and contain a good source of fiber. They are also 100% vegan and kosher.

Nurse Wendy, when thinking of naming her new product, might have leaned towards something more clinical like, "Mother's Milk Made Better" or "Sweet Nectar Breast Milk Supplement" instead of a slang name for women's breasts. Am I wrong here?

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