Select Connecticut Target locations have been forced to place some of their inventory behind lock and key due to theft, according to Why has it come to this? There are a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Financial Hardship...
  • Easy Access to Merchandise...
  • Opportunistic Behavior...
  • Thrill Seeking...
  • Peer Pressure...
  • Perception of Lenient Security...

Here's the bottom line: Shoplifting is AGAINST THE LAW! In Connecticut, shoplifting is theft in the 6th degree and a Class C misdemeanor. Upon a guilty plea or a conviction after trial, you could face up to 90 days in jail and a fine of $500.

True Story: A young woman I thought was a friend of a friend attempted to steal $2,000 worth of jewelry from Kohls in Brookfield. Long story short: this young lady spent 30 days inside the Niantic Correctional Institution. Is it worth it?

Keep scrolling to discover the ten most popular items shoplifted from Target Stores in Connecticut! 

The Top 10 Shoplifted Items from Connecticut Target Stores...

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