Where Can You Recycle Old Prescription Bottles in New York?Where Can You Recycle Old Prescription Bottles in New York?What can you do with all of those old prescription bottles? Can you recycle them or do you need to toss them? BrandiBrandi
Does Styrofoam Belong In Your New York Recycling Bins?Does Styrofoam Belong In Your New York Recycling Bins?Can you recycle Styrofoam in New York State? I found the answer to be more complicated than I expected. Here's what I found out:BrandiBrandi
New York Bottle Returns Increasing From 5 To 10 Cents?New York Bottle Returns Increasing From 5 To 10 Cents?Could returning your recyclable cans and bottles become more "lucrative" soon?CJ McIntyreCJ McIntyre