How does the live event industry adapt to get us into those seats at performance venues in 2024? One suggestion that hit me right between the ears is matinee concerts. Would you go see Dave Matthews at a 1PM show?

I stood up and cheered last year when actress Jamie Lee Curtis said something in a couple of interviews that I've been thinking for years - Why aren't there more matinee concerts? Book a show at noon, 1PM. Curtis said "8PM start? I'm in bed by then". Oh, I agree. My social life has taken a beating since moving to the morning drive shift, I wake up at 3AM, and I'm usually in bed by 8PM. Weeknights are out, I've even having a tough time rallying on Friday and Saturday nights.

Any outdoor venue in Connecticut is subject to our ever-changing weather, but for the most part April to September is the busy season for concerts. Wouldn't you love to hear that a concert at Xfinity Theater in Hartford started at 2PM instead of 8PM? Bruce Springsteen just played Mohegan Sun Arena, he put on a typical 3 hour+ concert. If the show started at 2PM, all of Mohegan Sun's restaurants would still be open and serving dinner.

I do love the feeling of walking out of a darkened theatre into the blazing sunshine, and I'd like it even better if I could make it home without getting drowsy behind the wheel. Please, promoters of Connecticut's live music scene - Consider booking a 1PM start this Summer.

Owners Walked Away From This CT Home But Leave Everything Inside...

7 Worst Prisons in the State of Connecticut

If I was going to prison, I'd be worrying about everything. I'd want to know what I was in for and there are not a ton of resources available, I certainly would not have anyone I could ask for their experience. You need to know what danger level you're facing, what your day-to-day will consist of and what conditions are like. Most of all, you want to know if the place you're going to has a bad reputation. 

My recent TV binge of 60 Days In made me want to seek answers to these questions, I needed to know. I was able to find some helpful information from The Connecticut Bail Bonds Group.

Here are the 7 Worst Prisons in Connecticut

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

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