Snow on a Pie Face Friday in March
You have to admit, this winter hasn't been all that bad. So, now that March is here and spring is right around the corner, you just knew Mother Nature was going to give us another taste of winter.
That's exactly what happened -- winter is back! So, this week, instead of complaining about it, Suzy and I figured we would embrace it and incorporate the white stuff in our Pie Face Challenge.
Over the last few month's we've gotten smacked in the face with all sorts of stuff from the traditional whipped cream, to guacamole, chocolate pudding, and even cash. So in the spirit of a good old fashioned March snow storm we figured how about a snowball, yea now we're talking fun...and wet.
So check out our latest Pie Face video, and see who gets it.
Warning: The suspense is terrific.
Check out some of our other Pie Face Challenges, they're actually fun to watch.
If you have something messy you’d like to see us use in one of our upcoming Pie Face Video’s, just let us know in the comment section below or just leave a comment on our Facebook page.
Listen to Mr. Morning & Suzy weekdays from 6:00-10AM on 105.5 FM, online at or by downloading the radioPup app for your mobile device.