Ridgefield Set to Build a Swamp Bridge, What Else Would Help?
According to the Patch, the town issues a press release on Tuesday (3/28/23) to alert the public to a new construction project.

The release states in part:
"Another pedestrian improvement project is in the pipeline for Ridgefield. Construction of an elevated boardwalk running from Farmingville Road to South Street along Ligi’s Way is anticipated to begin this April. The boardwalk will be level with the road and cantilevered about 4-6 feet above the Great Swamp, providing a safe footpath for pedestrians."
The presser goes on to say that the price tag of the construction will be $3 million but most of that cost will be covered through state funding. I hate to beat the same drum again and again but maybe the town has some other needs? I have one simple suggestion, maybe a parking garage?
PAUSE FOR DISCLAIMER: I don't live in Ridgefield. I have done no research on the boardwalk AKA bridge.
I go to Ridgefield once a week to get my haircut at the most amazing spot, the Dapper Den. The Dapper Den does some of the best hair and beard work in the State of Connecticut. They also provide a bit of a getaway, an escape for grown men in this crazy world. The single hour I spend there each week is often the most relaxing time I have all seven days.
When I embark for Ridgefield, I'm in a great mood and that lasts until I get to the parking lot outside the Dapper Den. This lot has several restaurants, a toy shop, the barbershop, a smoke shop, a liquor store and a CVS among others. There simply is not enough parking for all of the customers.
It's my understanding that this overwhelmed lot has been the scene of a territory war for years. Each establishment plants it's flag in the 2-4 spots they believe are there's. Folks babysit them all day and go to great care to make sure their customers have somewhere to place their auto carriage. Tickets are issued, warnings are levied and middle fingers are flying.
Look, all I'm saying is, if you can get 3 milly from the State of CT to put a frigging boardwalk over a swamp, perhaps you can raise the money for a parking lot? That way, you have space, to fit the humans that are trying to spend money in your local businesses. Or, put up a fence on the town line and call the place Alexandria.
Don't misunderstand, I am not saying Ridgefield didn't need a swamp boardwalk. I'm sure this project will be the result of years of planning and analysis. There was probably an environmental impact study, a rare flower or maybe an endangered lizard that came into play. There had to be endless town council meetings, zoning considerations and a bidding process. I don't have to have inside knowledge, to know that this was a butt load of work for a lot of people.
I just want to be able to safely park my car and spend some money. Y'all are going to all this trouble to cantilever things. Why don't you cantilever some parking while you're at it? I just need a few feet so I don't have to battle one of your residents to the death over automotive real estate. I don't need to be exchanging punches with someone who is hopped up on wheat grass. I just want to get my haircut.
PAUSE FOR ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this piece do not reflect those of the Dapper Den, it's employees or my employer.
These are my personal wishes for Ridgefield:
- Parking space(s)
- Fireproof baseball
Relax Jared, you won't get in trouble. I'll deal with the fallout associated with mocking a bridge.
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