Prescription Take Back Day Returns In Danbury, CT
If you've wondered how to get rid of unused and unwanted prescriptions, put this date on your calendar.
We've all heard the warnings of not polluting the water system by flushing prescription drugs, and tossing them in the garbage is never the wise way to handle their disposal either. But, what to do?
Unwanted and expired medication is a danger to your family, your pets, and the environment. The police say medicines in the home are a top cause of accidental poisoning. And we are certainly aware of the extremely high rates of prescription drug abuse plaguing our nation.
In a posting on the Facebook page for the Danbury Police Department, the department made this announcement:
Aside from the space that numerous medication bottles can take up, please don't risk the possibility of any tragic accidents with them either. If you aren't able to make the drop off on Oct. 28, or need to dispose safely of unwanted medications down the line, you need to know this:
Permanent drug drop boxes are located at various police stations around Connecticut. Information and the list can be found at ct.gov/dcp.
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