There is a petition circulating on Change to install stop signs on Stadley Rough Road in Danbury, CT. The petition was initiated by a user named Anna Almonte.

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Anna states the following in the petition:

"Stop signs on Stadley Rough Road are urgently needed!

As many of my neighbors can agree, trying to turn left onto Stadley Rough Road from Dennis Gate, Sil-Cam Drive and Woodbury Drive in Danbury is extremely dangerous.  The visibility to close to zero until the very last minute when you are about to be plowed into by someone driving much faster than the posted speed limit.

Please help in demanding the City of Danbury install stop signs at these 3 streets to avoid a catastrophe in the future."

She specifically mentions the following intersections:

  • Dennis Gate
  • SIL-CAM Drive
  • Woodbury Lane

We sent someone out to take pictures of these turns from the driver's perspective. In each case, at least one view (R or L) from the car made a left hand turn look dangerous.

Dennis Gate - (Below) - View to the Left 

Photo: Joey Ech
Photo: Joey Ech

SIL-CAM Drive - (Below) -  View to the right 

Photo: Joey Ech
Photo: Joey Ech

Woodbury Lane - (Below) - View to the right  

Photo: Joey Ech
Photo: Joey Ech

You can make a case that Anna is correct and a left hand turn from any of these roads is dangerous, I can also see people saying that adding three more stop signs on Stadley Rough is too much. Thankfully, I don't make these decisions, I ask the questions and turn it over to you.

Not many people have signed Anna's petition, but that's not unusual on The website is filled with joke petitions so the real ones can easily get lost in the shuffle.

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