Most of us are trying to lose weight these days, while Pomfret native (Alex Noel) wants to keep the pounds on…his pumpkins that is! 

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Noel currently holds the Connecticut State record for the heaviest pumpkin, weighing in at a whopping 2,294.5 pounds.  According to the CT Insider, his pumpkin took first place in 2019 at the All-New England Giant Pumpkin Weigh-Off at the Massachusetts Topsfield Fair.  It ranked to be the 6th largest in the entire world at the time.

Noel said he began his pumpkin adventures when he was 2 years old; his parents have a home video of the aforementioned pumpkin bedtime ritual. During his childhood, his family used to go to county fairs and farms to collect pumpkins. Around 20 years ago, Noel's mother took him to the Topsfield Fair, and he fell in love with giant pumpkins.

"By the time I was 9,10, 11 years old, I would have 30, 40, 50 pumpkins from all the different farms and I would label them, collect the seeds and carve them all for Halloween," Noel said.

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Alex Noel would like to beat the world record one day which is held by Stefano Cutrupi in Italy boasting a humongous pumpkin weighing in at 2,702 pounds.  Alex’s process is highly detailed and starts in April, for the full journey of the pumpkin from a wee seedling to a full grown-up pumpkin read all about it here.

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For those of us that don’t have the time or patience to grow our own gigantic pumpkins, he sells them occasionally for a dollar per pound.

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Thanks for stopping by and reading about this truly "great" pumpkin, see what I did there Charlie Brown fans? Anyway, for more incredibly important articles to mankind, you can click or tap right here, including one about Connecticut's Favorite Things. See you again real soon!


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