Congratulations to Priscilla Alfano of New Milford, the winner of the beautiful bedroom furniture from L J Edwards on Federal Road in Brookfield, CT.

For the last few weeks, we have been taking qualifiers every weekday morning and afternoon here at KICKS 105.5. We took our final qualifier this morning and then this afternoon we were all set to give away the grand prize. We threw the names in the top drawer of the dresser and shook up the names. We opened up the drawer and pulled out a name.

Priscilla told me that her bedroom furniture is about 15 years old so she was ready to update her sleeping space with pleasure.

Thank you to everyone who listened and called and congratulations to Priscilla.

Keep listening for more chances to win on your Number One for New Country, KICKS 105.5 and don't forget to check our "win stuff" tab for your chance to win more great...uh...stuff.

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