Missing Cat in New Milford — Have You Seen Mr. Hibbard?
One of the most difficult things a pet owner faces is when your pet goes missing. As we know, pets become members of our family so it can become a desperate situation. I have often posted notices of lost cats and dogs.
Mr. Hibbard is a brown tabby cat that has been missing since Tuesday from Deerwoods Road in Northern New Milford, CT near Gaylordsville. If you have seen Mr. Hibbard or have any information about him, please call Justina 347-907-3771. You can also email info@lostmykitty.com or click here to be directed to this listing on lostmykitty.com for more information.
A few quick things to remember just in case your cat is lost. Cats generally stay close to home, even if they are missing for a long time. If you cat goes missing in an area not near home, they still tend to stay close to that area. Check garages, under bushes, anywhere that you think a cat could take shelter.