How much of an idiot do you need to be to grossly discredit a police breast cancer awareness vehicle?

According to the department's FB page, Milford police officers were taking part in a breast cancer awareness event at the Connecticut Post Mall and inviting individuals who have been affected to sign their breast cancer awareness vehicle.


Why is it there always seems to be that one bonehead who has to ruin it for everybody else? That individual decided it was a good idea to write, "F*** the police" in bold letters on a distinct section of the vehicle. Chief Keith L. Mello was quoted as saying,

"I am concerned with his choice of words to express this message on a vehicle designed to raise awareness and sensitivity to breast cancer. We are vigorously investigating this incident."

The chief went on to say that they have hi-quality surveillance footage of the incident along with a clear image of the subject. Once identified, he will be facing criminal charges.


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