Make way, Dover and Pawling — Hollywood is coming to town.

According to the East Dutchess Daily Voice, a new horror movie titled A Quiet Place will be filming in Dover and Pawling soon. The movie is set to feature John Krasinski of The Office and his wife Emily Blunt (Devil Wears Prada) as the starsThe supernatural thriller is slated to be in theaters in April of 2018 and Transformers producer, Michael Bay, is the Executive Producer on the project.

The scenic farm landscape and quiet country roads of Dover and Pawling, will play host to the movie shoot starting September 6 and runnging through October 23. A section of West Dover Road in Dover will close just south of Blackberry Drive, west of Route 22 for nearly two months.

Photo Credit: Google Maps West Dover Road by Starkdale Farm, Pawling, NY
Photo Credit: Google Maps West Dover Road by Starkdale Farm, Pawling, NY

Colleen Pillus, Communication Director for Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro, said, “Dutchess Tourism has gotten very involved in the film and television industry. They said needed a county roadway, and picked this one." She says that in the coming week, Paramount Pictures will release more information about the film.

A detour has been posted that redirects traffic over Route 22 by way of Pleasant Ridge and River roads, the Poughkeepsie Journal reports.

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