Who knew that PETA even held such a competition? But there is, indeed, a "Sexiest Vegans over 50" contest, and a Connecticut man by the name of Len Lampel, may win it!

According to the News Times, the contest is run by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and Len from Cheshire is among just six vegan men and women in the nation to be in the final phase of the competition. He made it as a finalist among other contestants from around the United States.

PETA's website says that Len is a photographer and lives in Cheshire with his two cats and two guinea pigs. The winning vegan will an eight-day adventure through Northern India. He tells the News Times:

It's very exciting...I do believe in the cause and the activism of trying to educate people about the welfare of animals, and the effects of factory farming.

On October 22, PETA will announce the winners. Best of luck to our vegan friend from Cheshire!

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