With opening day and the beginning of a new season for the Boston Red Sox starting this week, the team also got some upgrades around Fenway Park.

One upgrade that the players must be most excited about is the brand-new clubhouse. A lot of time is spent in the clubhouses (locker room).

It is where players come in hours before the game and get dressed, where they have team meetings pre/post-game, and where they hang out nearly 100% of the time when not on the field.

Baseball players are some of the highest-paid athletes in the world. Being America's pastime means BIG bucks.

But it doesn't seem like that was translated into the Red Sox brand-new, 2023, clubhouse.

According to an MLB article:

"The refurbished player locker room space features new, custom maple lockers with closable doors and generously sized to accommodate more storage space for personal belongings. The lockers feature built-in, multi-color LED lighting with power and USB charging stations and a lockable safe for valuables."

Here's the thing...it's not that nice.

Don't get me wrong, it is nice...but not brand new, 2023, MLB money nice.

Take a look.

I mean, computer chairs? DESK CHAIRS?!

Yes, the couches and loungers are nice in the middle. Sure. But those comfy chairs can only accommodate maybe six of the 25-man roster.

Not to mention, the lockers are kind of small. The storage is minimal. You can see all the plumbing work in the ceilings.

And it gets worse...

"A new, on-site laundry service area with commercial washers and dryers have also been installed for player uniform laundering," according to MLB.

The players JUST got a washer and dryer? What the heck did it look like before?

I know it is Fenway Park, America's oldest MLB park, but still. It could have been MUCH nicer. Yes, the LED lights and TVs are a good touch. It is nice, sure.

But Major League Baseball quality? 2023 BRAND NEW quality? Eh. Not impressed.

What do you think?

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