An Idea That Ensures We Will NEVER Forget the ‘Ice Jam’ in Kent
According to Kent officials via the News Times, the "Ice Jam" threat in the Housatonic River is likely over. Kent First Selectman Bruce Adams told the paper, “It appears the worst of it is behind us.”
The "Ice Jam", for those who do not know, was a nature event in the Housatonic River. The river froze, thawed, froze again, rinse, repeat, etc. What this caused was flooding, the threat of flooding, the destruction of docks, rinse, repeat, etc. This was most threatening to the residents of Kent, CT along the river. People were understandably concerned. River people are good people. In fact, they are happy to give — just ask John Fogerty.
Now that it's over, do we just move on? I think not. "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."
If you believe in those words, like I do, you will love my new idea. We should have an annual event that provides a reminder to our young river people that danger lurks around every corner.
The event starts with us breaking into the home of an unsuspecting Kent resident in the middle of the night. We tear them out of bed, drag them down to the river, and shove them into the frigid Housatonic waters in February.
We then fetch them out of the river, and the celebration is underway. The 3-day event called "Ice Jam" features grilled goods and the area's best tribute bands. Our stations can host the "Jammer" and the person we kidnapped is now the honored guest. They get to wear a crown for three days, get free grilled goods, and preferred seating for the Journey tribute band.
This accomplishes a lot. We NEVER forget this local nature event, we get to party, and sponsorship opportunities abound.
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