How Do They Take Care of the Big Cats During a Hurricane?
Last weekend, many of us were glued to our televisions or social media for updates about the weather and our loved ones down south.
There is a lot of things that we don't think about in situations like this. We have been hearing stories about what happened before, during and after and what people are still going through.
I was stuck on BigCatRescue.org, a sanctuary in Tampa, Florida. I was mesmerized by the dedication of the people involved. Think about it, it is not like they can put these animals in cat carriers and move them. We are talking about lions and tigers, no bears, but servals, cougars, panthers...you get the idea.
They supplied live reports all weekend. It was wonderful to see how this entire staff pulled together and, exhausted as they were, they stayed there and made sure that the big cats were secure, fed and safe.
Do you love the big cats like I do? Click here and check out this amazing place and help support Big Cat Rescue.
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