We all know that this Saturday night is when we set the clocks back an hour — it's fall back time. But, it's also my favorite day of the year, and here's why:

Now, given the fact that I get up way before the sun gets warm to do the show, and this Saturday night you actually get an extra hour of sleep, one would think it's obvious why Saturday would be my favorite day of the year. Well, I guess that contributes to it a bit, but there's a bigger reason why I love the day when we set the clocks back an hour.

What I like to do is when I get up Saturday morning, I make sure to set all the clocks in my house back an hour. Now, I know it's way early, you're not really supposed to set the clocks back until you go to bed Saturday night because standard time doesn't officially start until 2:00 AM, but stay with me, there's a method to my madness.

First off, setting the clocks back early drives my family crazy, my wife gets nuts on me every year because she gets so confused that she doesn't know what time it really is. Now, that alone is worth the price of admission, but here's the real reason I do it.

If you set the clocks back before you go to sleep, you never really get to enjoy that extra hour, heck how can you, you're sleeping. We only get one day during the entire year when we can enjoy that hour and I want to make the most of it. So, since the clocks are set back really early in the day at my house, every time I check to see what time it is, I'm reminded that the clocks are an hour off, and we get an extra hour. So in other words, I'm maximizing the enjoyment of having that extra hour.

So if I check the clock eight times during the day, I've actually maximized that extra hour by eight, and that's a whole lot of enjoyment. The more I check the time, the more I'm reminded of that precious extra hour. Now who's going to argue with that?

OK, you may say it's a little psychotic, those are actually my wife's words, but don't knock it till you try it. Set your clocks back early and maximize your extra hour. It's a heck of a lot more fun then just going to sleep, and you get a whole new appreciation for those sixty minutes.

By the way, you can see I'm a big fan of fallback Saturday, however, I'm not a big fan of what happens the next day when it gets dark at 4:30 in the afternoon. Need I say more.

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