Connecticut Woman With Stage Four Cancer Wishes to Meet Zac Brown
No doubt, fighting breast cancer is scary. Add to that not knowing your family’s medical history at all, and the struggle becomes even more terrifying.
Meet Larissa Podermanski from Berlin, Connecticut, who knows all too well what that struggle is about. She had been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer at just 30-years-old with almost no prior warning signs. Hearing her story, it seems like doctors missed the warning signs of her illness many times.
We want to help her realize her dream of meeting Zac Brown, one of her favorite country artists somewhere along her journey of batting metastatic cancer.
She knew nothing of her family’s medical background when diagnosed. It was about ten years prior to her diagnosis, Larissa tried to locate her birth parents. She didn't have any luck, but she did find out that her mom passed away at a relatively young age.
When being told she had breast cancer, Larissa reached out on social media, and found an uncle who was able to tell her that her mom passed away from a heart attack. Being adopted was a hurdle as far as treatment, having no family medical history on record. This is one of the reasons she is fighting to change the rules regarding adoption records.
Larissa started a blog about her journey, about being a newlywed, a biracial adoptee, being an outreach and advocacy director at a regional non profit organization and most importantly, about battling stage 4 breast cancer called, Metastatically Speaking.
Her blog and her videos give inspiration to anyone who’s battled cancer as well as anyone who has had a family member up against it. Log on and lend your support, and please help this call to the Zac Brown Band go viral!
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