Greater Danbury Towns Gear Up to Celebrate Earth Day
Earth Day is this Thursday, and towns all around Greater Danbury have special outdoor activities planned to commemorate the day.
Since the pandemic hit last year, people have been coming up with creative ways to stay safe and still get outdoors. Couple that with all the talk about going green, and it looks like you're going to have one heck of an Earth Day this year.
Many local towns throughout Greater Danbury have set up pandemic-safe outdoor activities and festivities to help people get in the spirit of celebrating planet earth.
2021 marks the 51st Earth Day celebration. Since it's inception in 1970, Earth Day has become a day to make people aware that we have only one home and we need to protect and preserve it for future generations.
This year more than ever, after 13 months of living through a global pandemic, Earth Day activities emphasizing the importance of protecting the planet are scheduled for towns all around Greater Danbury.
Since Earth Day falls on a Thursday, you'll notice most of the events planned have been scheduled for sometime this weekend. According to, here are some of the towns planning some type of celebration.
In Danbury the Housatonic Habitat for Humanity will hold a ReStore Upcycle Challenge from 9 AM until 4 PM this Saturday at the Housatonic Habitat ReStore. Plus there will be a DIY Paint Demonstration from 11 AM until Noon at the ReStore.
In Brookfield the Brookfield Conservation Commission and the Arbor Day Foundation have teamed up to hold a joint Arbor Day/Earth Day event scheduled for 2 PM this Saturday at the Gurski Homestead.
In New Fairfield the Candlewood Valley Regional Land Trust will be hosting an Earth Day Hike at Pootatuck Preserve this Saturday starting at 10 AM. All are welcome including your dogs. Just bring water, snacks and your mask's.
In Redding get ready for Mt. Trashmore Day on Saturday starting at 9 AM. It's a day to clean up the town and collect roadside liter and build the biggest trash mountain. Participants will be given a vest, gloves and a trash bag.
In Sherman the Naromi Council of the Northwest Connecticut Land Conservancy will be sponsoring an Earth Day Roadside Clean Up along roads and trail and preserve entrances. If you would like to participate just call 860-927-1927.