Back in 1871 Bridgeport's Frisbie Pie Company, located on the east side of town, started something special by sending sweet pies and cakes to all parts of Connecticut and beyond. The Connecticut Post details this, and how popular the treats were.

Historians tell us that Frisbie Pies became a favorite on campus at Yale University. It didn’t take long for the students to notice that Frisbie’s pie tins had a unique inverted, style, which made them perfect for tossing in the air, allowing them to sail almost effortlessly. The Frisbie name became synonymous with delicious pies and fun with the tins in which they were delivered.

In 1958 they were bought out by Table Talk of Worcester Massachusetts. Now, all that remains in Bridgeport on Kossuth Street is a memory of the Frisbie Pie Company and an empty parking lot on the former bakery site. But the memory is grand, not just for the sweets made there, but also for the Frisbee toy, which they inspired.

As tossing pie tins became a pastime for people in Connecticut and elsewhere, in 1938 a guy named Fred Morrison was flinging a tin to his future wife on a New Haven beach, when somebody offered them 25 cents for it. They started to sell the tins there for a profit, and in later years he created one from plastic. In 1957 The toy company Wham-O bought the rights from him, and called it the “Frisbee”. This was a reference to the bakery’s pie tins but the spelling was changed slightly to avoid trademark issues.

According to the Connecticut Post, one huge fan of the Frisbie Pie Company, is bringing Frisbie pies back to the region. He purchased the name and treasured company recipes and will start baking and distributing them to the region. We're not sure if the pie tins he is planning to use will be as much fun as the ones they used in the olden days.


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