Easter Sunday Fire Breaks Out At Kimberly-Clark In New Milford
As New Milford's fire fighters were enjoying Easter with their families, they were called to respond to a fire at Kimberly-Clark.
The fire broke out at approximately 4:30 pm and crews from New Milford, Gaylordsville, Northville, Brookfield and Danbury responded to the blaze which according to Water Witch Hose Co. #2 Of New Milford's Facebook page, broke out in the paper production machine.
Within a short time after crews arrived on the scene, firefighters had the fire under control, and were just checking for any other hot spots, and to make sure the fire hadn't spread to any other area of the plant.
Kimberly-Clark manufactures brand name products including Kleenex facial tissue, Kotex feminine hygiene products, Cottonelle, Scott and Andrex toilet paper, Wypall utility wipes, KimWipes scientific cleaning wipes, and Huggies disposable diapers and baby wipes.
According to newstimes.com, as of Sunday night, the fire had been extinguished, and fire crews were heading back to continue Easter dinner with their families.
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