New Milford is a small town in Litchfield County Connecticut.

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There is plenty of open space, in fact Litchfield is the least densely populated County in all of Connecticut. New Milford's history is rich and its landscape checks all of the boxes.

Drone Footage Captures Magical Essence of New Milford in Fall

Recently someone set out to capture the Essence and Magic of New Milford in the fall and they nailed it. New Milford is beautiful from the ground but has another level of elegance from the sky. These are images taken from a drone over New Milford in Fall of 2021. 

Full video below

I live in Danbury, CT and I love it, but I don't hesitate when I say, if I had to live anywhere else it would be New Milford. I did live for seven years, over two stints.

The first time around I lived in a condo overlooking New Milford's rolling hills and peaceful valleys. The second home was even better, we lived in a gorgeous old apartment on Church Street.

I'll always look fondly on that time period in my life because of the calm it brought to me. There was something really enriching about taking evening walks to the green, surrounded by historic buildings in one of the most picturesque towns in America.

I know for a little while, Hollywood was using New Milford for movies like Mr. Deeds, I don't know why the movie studios didn't keep coming back again and again.

If you live there, consider yourself lucky and make sure to stop and take a look around once in awhile to appreciate your environment.

Brilliant Fall Sunsets from Greater-Danbury Area 2021

Recently I asked our I-95 Readers and listeners to share their fall sunset photos and the response was amazing. Tons of photos came streaming in, one more beautiful than the one before. I published many of those photos in an article called “Danbury Area Residents Share Stunning Fall Sunset Photos for 2021” and days after the article was released, we were still getting submissions that needed to be seen by as many people as possible. These are those photos that didn’t make it into the first article, these are brilliant fall sunsets from the Greater-Danbury area from 2021. 

Danbury Area Residents Showoff Their Recent Moon Photos

I happened to be awake for the partial lunar eclipse on Friday morning (11/19/21), I'm always awake, and out of the house around 4 am for work but I nearly missed it. I knew about it the celestial event but I forgot when I woke up. Then, I was driving down Route 7 towards Brookfield, CT headed for the I-95 studio and the sight punched me in the face. I saw one of the most brilliant and vivid moon scenes in my life. What jumped out at me was how well I could see the shape of the moon. The eclipse itself transformed the moon from a circle into a sphere for me, it made me feel small and insignificant in the best way possible. While the lunar eclipse was a show worth seeing, it was not the only day the moon was working magic on anyone willing to look up, there has been a show in the sky for the past few weeks. I snapped a few photos of the moon's majesty last week (11/16/21), posted one and asked the Ethan and Lou Radio Show (I-95) listeners to share theirs, this is what they sent me. 

Examine One of Danbury's Most Disorganized + Dangerous Turns

Nothing to see here just an impossible turn, setup in a nonsensical fashion that leads to chaos and confusion behind the wheel in the Hat City. Danbury residents are infamous for their complaints about our roadways because there is plenty to complain about. I'd like to add to that long and distinguished list by pointing out a disastrous turn Downtown. Let us examine one of Danbury's Most Disorganized + Dangerous turns.

Camping for Cans 2021 Photo Album

Camping for Cans is our annual food/cash drive to benefit the Hillside Food Outreach. Hillside is an organization that feeds those in need all throughout the Greater-Danbury area. For years, I-95 has teamed up with them to get the word out about the needs of our neighbors in the area. 2021 was a smash hit and we raised thousands of dollars and truck loads of food with Hillside and our corporate sponsors. These were some of the many faces that joined us over the weekend (11/19-11/21).

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