Annabelle was a Raggedy Ann Doll that somehow became, so much more.

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Paranormal experts will tell you the doll is one of the world's most haunted objects. Let's back up in case you don't know Annabelle's story.

Annabelle was a Raggedy Ann doll that was gifted to a student-nurse in the 1970's according to the Hollywood Reporter. The doll began to act up, displaying paranormal behaviors and was brought to a psychic medium. The medium determined that the doll was the host to the spirit of a girl named Annabelle who was deceased. The nurse tried to live with the doll and its possession but its evil behavior became too much to handle and was turned over to paranormal experts Ed and Lorraine Warren of Monroe, CT.

Ed and Lorraine were famous to occult fans in their day, but have become internationally known in recent years. Their ghostly investigations have been turned into Hollywood films like "The Conjuring", "The Conjuring 2", and "The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made me Do it." The Annabelle doll also got the silver-screen treatment with "Annabelle", "Annabelle Creation" and "Annabelle Comes Home."

The infamy of the doll, and the Warrens, increased as tales of the dolls deeds spread around the country. It's said that peril would land on anyone who confronted or challenged the doll. The Warrens displayed the Annabelle doll at their Monroe Occult Museum for years. They would tell guests not to taunt Annabelle because she would take vengeance when she was angry.

There is a famous Annabelle story that always gets told first and Halloween Year Round published it in 2019. One one occasion, it's said that a young man challenged the doll, despite a warning from Ed and Lorraine, not to. He and his girlfriend were thrown out of the museum for ignoring instructions, and as the legend goes, they were killed in a motorcycle accident on the way home.

Ed Warren died in 2006, Lorraine passed away in 2019 and the Warren's son-in-law Tony Spera took over as the Governor of the Occult Museum and Annabelle. The museum was closed in 2019 due to zoning issues but Annabelle remains stored in the home.

This October, Annabelle will be on the move, she and Tony Spera will be featured guests at Mohegan Sun. According to the official Ed and Lorraine Warren Youtube Channel, the doll will be on display at the casino on October 29th, as part of "The Warren's Paracon 2022."

If you don't believe in demons, this event is no big deal, but I am a believer. I believe demons are real, and believe that Annabelle is real. If you think like I do, it means you believe an actual demon will be on display in a casino. What could go wrong?

What I always found riveting about the story of Annabelle was Lorraine Warren's palpable fear of this doll. The clip below was posted to the Warner Brothers Youtube page in 2013. In it, Lorraine gives a tour of her Occult Museum and you can see how afraid she is of Annabelle.

So, a world-renowned paranormal expert who dealt with demons and ghosts all the time, would not look this thing in the eye? But it's a good idea to prop it up in front of a bunch of civilians at a casino? OK.

I know this thing will be well attended, but this is not my kind of event. I have no problem admitting that I'm deathly afraid of Annabelle. We mentioned the event on the air and we got a lot of mail about it. These are some of the text messages we received through the app.
Cory (Oxford) - "It’s a bad idea and I’m a tough chick but no way would I mess with that doll."

Traveler (Newtown)"I used to run into Lorraine at the Newtown Stop and Shop. Sweet lady. RIP Lorraine."

mlauren62 (Newtown) - "Bad idea. Lorraine said it should never leave the museum!!! She dies and they’re like meh… let’s make a profit!?"

GiantSox (Danbury) - "I believe it’s called portaling with the spirit thing. When it jumps from one subject to the next the first thing the spirit does is shave the bush."

Chris (New Milford) - "Lou, you want to go check out Dudleytown and get involved in that shenanigans but won’t go see Annabelle? Go see her. You’ll be fine."

Big Booty Judi (New Milford) - "The accounts of s-- that has happened to people after challenging the doll are so disturbing."

Buckaroo Bonzai (Ridgefield) - "The Adventures of Lou & Dave: Lou & Dave take on Annabelle. Would be a great article. Lol. We can have sacrificial shots in the name of Annabelle so the demonic spirit doesn’t get mad at us. Haha."

Sumsol (New Milford) - "Me and my ex-wife went to a restaurant that only had two other, the Warrens . Great time. she mentioned Union cemetery. We decided to go. Night before charged 3 cameras. Got there and all 3 dead batteries. Got home and they were charged."

P.S. I have not been able to find information on the event on Mohegan Sun's website. I got the show announcement from the Ed and Lorraine Warren Youtube.

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