Danbury Mayor Talks About Getting the City Back to Work and More
Every Tuesday morning, since the start of the COVID-19 virus quarantine, I have had Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton on the show to discuss the state of the city.
This week, we talked about what the city is doing to those who are still not following the social distancing, and shelter at-home recommendations:
"We are continuing our mitigation operations. We are trying to keep people separated, to discourage people from having house parties and large gatherings. We have been successful in doing this, but it's hard to send a message that this is a serious thing. We've been doing a great job in Danbury, and want to keep it up for the next month."
What about local businesses, when can they possibly think about re-opening?
"The Governor's executive order extends the closing of all businesses that are covered under the order to May 20th. I suspect by the end of May, you'll start to see some phasing in of some of these businesses to get back to work. I don't expect schools to go back anytime soon, I don't see the value in doing that, but I'm not the Governor, and those are the decisions that are made by him."
What has to happen before the City of Danbury returns to semi-normal?
"Two things have to happen: One is a vaccination has to be developed The second is we've got to be able to test as many people as we possibly can to see who has had the virus, and who may have had it with no symptoms so we can see who has built up a resistance to the virus, and those people can go back to work. That's going to leave a pool of people who will have to sit things out until the vaccine is ready. There's no sense risking people's health especially in the school systems. So let's wait it out and get it right, and try to get the economy running in time for the summer."
Here's my entire interview. Listen every Tuesday morning at 7:10 and 8:10 for the Mayor's update during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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