Danbury Mayor On COVID-19, Mail-In Voting, + John Oliver Latest
There's always a lot of things happening in the City of Danbury, and every week Mayor Mark Boughton fills us in on what's going on.
This week, we get the latest COVID-19 numbers in Danbury. Plus, is the city doing anything to protect mail in voting?
So, how do the COVID-19 numbers in Danbury look since the weekend?
"Well, yesterday we had 10 infections, but the number has dropped a little which is good, we're heading in the right direction. Let's hope we have another good week this week, then we can start going back to putting our plans together to get kids back to school, doing athletics, and things like that".
Speaking of back to school, are you still on schedule for a mid October re-opening?
I really don't know, that will be up to the superintendent and the board of education, they will have to make that decision. I don't know if it will be mid-October, or the end of October, I'm not exactly sure. This is still something very fluid, and it still remains to be seen where these numbers will be.
We talked last week about most people in Danbury getting an absentee ballot, are you working on a preemptive strike to keep things from getting too out of control with these mail in ballots?
"Yes, our staff here does a remarkable job in making sure that every resident who wants to vote, and is legally entitled to vote, can vote. We go above and beyond the call to make that happen, and that the process of counting votes is done with integrity. I don't really worry about that too much, but we did hire extra staff to process a lot more absentee ballot applications, and we are seeing a lot more come in. We have to verify that the person is in fact a voter, we have to check that against the current voter roles, and then we'll mail them a ballot. We have done all those things already, and of course, the polling places will be open, as they usually are on election day from 6 AM until 8 PM. In-person voting will happen at City Hall as well for what they call "in-person registration". If you don't want to risk your ballot going through the U.S. Mail, you can use one of our drop boxes that we have outdoors at City Hall, and at the King Street Firehouse. People have every opportunity to go cast their ballot for the candidate of their choice, and we'll make sure that happens".
Finally, John Oliver just recently brought up the Sewer Plant during his post Emmy Awards Q&A. Here's what he said when questioned by a reporter who was apparently from Connecticut:
Reporter: "As a Connecticut resident, I want to know if you're dedicating this award to Danbury"?
John Oliver: "Well, that is a very good point. I don't have full news, but I would say very promising. As nice as this Emmy Award is, my dream this year is to have the sewage plant named after me in Danbury, Connecticut. I'm close, I feel like I'm real close, so hopefully if all goes well, and the political system stands up, then the council will do the right thing and give me that sewage plant."
We're still working on it, there's still some ministerial acts that we have to do. There's a process that's in place that we're working on right now, and I think it's going to happen. We're even thinking it could be another point of interest in the city for residents and tourists visiting Danbury, you could go see the John Oliver Sewage Plant. We would have a little viewing area where people can stand and stare out over this vast complex of different holding tanks, and equipment. We are working on it, and should have more details in a couple of weeks.