In an incredibly heartwarming story, a local boy has been credited with assisting first responders in an effort to rescue the boy's cousin after he suffered a serious injury in a wooded area of Tarrywile Park.

According to the Danbury Fire Department, a 911 call that came through just before 5:00 PM on Monday (October 14) reporting that a hiker had been injured somewhere in Tarrywile Park.

After the 911 dispatcher was able to plot the location of the call on the DFD's maps, Fire, Police and EMS units were set up at the park's entrance, serving as a command post. From there, a rescue crew comprised of eight firefighters, two police officers and a paramedic made their way into the woods in search of the injured hiker with Ranger 1, the FD's Utility Terrain Vehicle, and another UTV from the Tarrywile Park Authority.

While the search was underway, authorities say that the hikers' very brave 8-year-old cousin spoke to the incident commander via cell phone, describing the injury and assisting the crew in locating their position in the woods. Within a half hour, the Danbury rescue crew found the victim and family.

Apparently, the young hiker had fallen from a rock and in the process, suffered a serious leg fracture. The first responders tended to the injured hiker before he was transferred to Danbury Hospital. 

The local first responders recognized the 8-year-old Shelter Rock School student's efforts, explaining how instrumental the boy was in relaying valuable information about his cousin to the rescuers. The Danbury FD says the hero of the day's "mom was very proud of her son, and said it would be ok to mention her son in our comments and photo below."

Here are some of the photos from the scene:

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