Danbury Buisnesses on Alert as Police Investigate Fake Health Inspectors
Recently, the Danbury Police Department has received reports of someone posing as a Danbury Health Inspector and charging business for inspections.
Apparently, a man who's been identifying himself as a City of Danbury Health Inspector has been contacting local Danbury businesses and asking for credit card payments. The suspect targets a local business and asks for the payment to cover a full inspection that will supposedly happen the day after the call. Nail Salons seem to be a popular target in this latest phone scam.
According to a press release from the Danbury Police Department and the Danbury Department of Health and Human Services, there are a few things that should raise a red flag if you get a call of this nature.
First off all, Danbury Health Inspectors have official city of Danbury ID Badges and will provide you with written documentation of any and all inspections. The department reminds citizens that Danbury health inspectors will never call to schedule an inspection, because those are performed unannounced. Also, health inspectors do not take cash, credit or debit cards. Any health inspection fees would be taken care of by certified mail only. Finally, any letters for license renewal are only sent out during the month of May.
If you have received a call and are concerned that it may be a scam, even though it may seem legit, you can verify any city of Danbury Health Inspectors status by contacting Danbury Health & Human Services Department at 203-797-4625.
If you know you've been the victim of a inspection scam where the so-called inspector was asking for credit card or a cash payment, call the Danbury Police Department immediately at 203-797-4611.
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