Cuomo Urges Businesses to Close, Have Employees Work From Home
Gov. Andrew Cuomo urged private businesses to close or explore work from home options for employees during his press conference on Sunday. While the closures aren't mandatory, Cuomo was vehement in pushing businesses to consider options for not having staff congregate and suggested he may mandate in the future if there isn't compliance.
"I'm asking them to aggressively consider work from home and voluntary closings," Cuomo said.
New York's number of positive novel coronavirus cases reached 729 as of Sunday and included three deaths, 137 people hospitalized and 65 patients in the intensive care unit.

Cuomo ordered non-essential state employees from Rockland County, Westchester County, Long Island and New York City to work from home or otherwise stay home. This represents approximately 50 percent of state workers in those regions. In addition, New York State Department of Motor Vehicle services will be appointment only beginning Monday.
Reducing density remains a focus for the state in hopes of spreading out the cases of the virus to a rate the healthcare system can manage, Cuomo said.
"The curve is not a curve. It's a wave and it could break on the hospital system," Cuomo said.
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