It’s not just about getting your sample glass, and chugging all the beer you can in a few hours. Before you come to Hat City on Tap on March 25th, make sure you educate yourself, and the class is free.

The purpose of this class is to lay down a foundation. To give you a knowledge of beer styles and how to enjoy them.

After this class, you will have an educated appreciation for beer, and might just be able to explain its subtleties to your friends, and impress them when you come to Hat City on Tap on Saturday, March 25th, from 5 PM to 8 PM at the Danbury Ice Arena.

Now that you’ve passed the course, how about getting your tickets so you can show off your new found knowledge of craft beers? It's three hours of sampling with regular admission tickets, or you can upgrade to VIP status for an extra hour of sampling.

Where you seen at last year's Hat City on Tap ?

You gotta check out these people getting ready to leave Hat City on Tap 2016 !!!!


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