Connecticut Protects Victims, Against New Phone Scam, but New York Doesn’t
It’s being called the “can you hear me now” phone scam, and they can hustle you by getting you to say just one word: "Yes" According to USA Today.
You get a call with a recorded intro asking if you can hear them clearly, or something similar to that. If your answer is yes, they quite possibly have recorded you and can use that recording to get you signed up for a myriad of products or services you don’t want, or that could be bogus. They then become aggressive about getting payments from you. If you refuse and state you never signed up, they may provide you with your own voice recorded in an answer in a single word like “yes”, sure or “ok” as part of a recorded sales pitch and agreement.
The Better Business Bureau advises, if you get a robocall from a company you don’t recognize, hang up. Don’t answer robocalls with "yes," "sure" or "OK" and keep track of any caller id and phone numbers you have regarding them, then file a scam report with the BBB Scam Tracker and the Federal Trade Commission's Do Not Call List.
Connecticut is one of the 10 states that has a two-party consent law for recording a conversation, which makes what the scammers are doing a crime. New York is not one of the 10 states that have the law, which renders consumers more vulnerable to this kind of fraud.
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