Connecticut May Not Be Flavored Vape Paradise For Much Longer
If you love your flavored tobacco, vape, and nictotine products, damn you're lucky you live in Connecticut, at least for right now.
Connecticut is the only state in our immediate area of the Northeast where you can still purchase flavored vape juice. Massachusetts became the first state in the Northeast to ban all flavored e-cigarette products in November 2019, and all flavored tobacco products on June 1, 2020. Our neighbors New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island quickly followed with their own bans on flavored e-cigarettes in early 2020. Maine has banned the sale of flavored non-premium cigars. Ayuh, that means you can't buy a wrap up there for Maine's legal weed.
Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont introduced similar legislation here in Connecticut around the same time in 2020, but the Coronavirus pandemic hit and efforts to ban flavored tobacco and vape juice ground to a halt.
According to numerous reports, Connecticut lawmakers are once again reintroducing the attempt to ban flavored vape juice here in the state that recently legalized recreational cannabis and sports betting.
Why? Because of the children who may be tempted to try that bubblegum vape, or cherry-lime. It doesn't matter if you're a 43 year old man that loves the taste of watermelon vape, you may not be able to buy your favorite flavored vape juice at all soon due to the possibility of an unethical store clerk illegally selling vape juice to a minor and getting them "hooked" into the evil world of nicotine addiction.
In fairness, yes, I agree with some of the regulations that have been placed on the tobacco industry as a whole over the past couple of decades. I've long struggled with my own nicotine addiction, and the ban on tobacco advertising has certainly kept my nicotine jones at bay. I still get the urge to light one up when I see someone do it on TV, but seriously, even with all of the bans of tobacco advertising, all that's done is allow the pharmaceutical industry to purchase up all of the ad inventory. O-O-O-Ohh-Ozempic.
As an adult with no children, I'm adding my voice to the opposition of this legislation. I don't align with freedom-fighters often, but in this case....sign me up, and light them up.