Back in March, we told you about a petition that was going around online for Connecticut residents who are not happy with the idea of potential highway tolls.

Well, today that petition has been delivered to the governor by a group that calls itself No Tolls CT, a bipartisan action group opposed to tolls on our highways.

The group was hoping for one million signatures, however they had to settle for a little over 100,000, but the petition has been delivered and urges the General Assembly and Governor Lamont to vote "no" on any bill regarding tolls.

Here's a look at the scene in Hartford, as the petition was delivered:

According to, it's going to cost anywhere from $500 to $1000 per year to use the roads you travel on every day, and many people in the state want this legislation to go away.

On the No Tolls CT site, you'll also find ways you can take action, get a schedule of upcoming rallies', get answers to some of the most asked questions and find out the latest news as the tolls get closer to going into effect.

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