As you can probably imagine, the younger pets in an animal shelter have a higher rate of adoption than the older ones. More people tend to want a kitten or a puppy rather than and older cat or dog. But what happens to the elder statesdogs and statescats?

I have often said, I wish I could adopt them all, but the reality is, we can't. But there is a way that you can help.

If you love classic cars, animals and a good time, The New Milford Animal Welfare Society has just the thing for you. Tuesday night from 5:00pm to dusk they will hold a Classic Car Cruise to support senior pets and their medial costs at 8 Dodd Road.

The party doesn't stop with amazingly gorgeous classic cars. There will also be free hot dogs, free soda, door prizes which include a deluxe weber grill and accessories and you can even have a professional photo taken in the car of your dreams for a $10 donation. Won't that make a great Christmas card?!

An amazing spring evening to support a great cause.


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