A working farm is a thing of beauty and is how Americans survived before the invention of processed foods. Ever since my oldest son moved to the rural northern section of New Milford, I've fallen in love with a slice of Americana, Kimberly Farm, a massive third-generation working farm located at 415 Chestnut Land Road/Route 109. According to owner John Kimberly, the new ice cream stand will open across the street from their farm stand sometime in May.

All the products sold at the Kimberly Farm retail stand are homemade and include ice cream, fresh milk, and meats and vegetables. You can also find their farm-fresh products at several grocery stores and delis in New Milford and surrounding towns. Check out Representative Bill Buckbee introducing John KImberly to Connecticut's House of Representatives.

The Awesomeness of New Milford's Kimberly Farm

The Best Pot Pies That I've Tried Around Connecticut

We all love chicken pot pies, but have you ever tried a clam pot pie? A Seafood pot pie? I love different variations of the classic recipe. Here are my favorite locally-made pot pies around Connecticut.

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