Seeing wildlife in people's backyards never gets old. It does not matter how many videos I get, each time feels like the first time. This submission came to me from a friend of the I-95 Morning Show that goes by Southern Rock Joe.

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Joe says he was at his father-in-law's house in Mahopac, New York on Sunday when this stunning creature roamed into the backyard. Joe says he took his video and then went back into the house on the advice of his "wonderful wife."

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NOTE: The video of the bobcat was taken at the end of Front Street by the bike path at 10:30 am on Sunday (5/19/24). If you live near that, you may be in for a free show soon. Keep your camera close and your head on a swivel.

What Should I Do if I See a Bobcat in My Yard?

The Humane Society says: "If a bobcat doesn’t appear scared of you, they probably learned to associate people with food (likely because someone has been feeding them) and may exhibit boldness or even approach you. These bobcats can easily be scared away by making loud noises such as yelling or blowing whistles, dousing them with water houses or squirt guns or throwing objects such as tennis balls toward them."

They add that just seeing a bobcat is NOT an indication that the animal is rabid, sick or aggressive. For more information on bobcats, just Google bobcats.

Check out the Ethan, Lou & Large Dave Podcast on Apple and Spotify

Bobcats in Connecticut: Are They Coming to Get Us?

Danbury Resident Has Astonishing Close Encounter With Famous Moose

His name is Daryl Pitman, and he's a Danbury resident who recently had a super-close encounter with a moose that has become famous in the Greater-Danbury area. In the past few days this moose has been seen in multiple Danbury locations, it's been seen in Newtown, New Fairfield, Woodbury and even Pawling, NY to name a few. 

I saw Daryl's pictures in a different moose related thread and reached out to him. I asked him to tell me more. I wanted to know if these photos were real? Did he take the pictures? Was this in Danbury? When was this? How did he feel. An excited Daryl got back to me with the following responses. 

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

What "TO DO" and What "NOT TO DO" if You See a Bear And the Bear Sees You...

Greater Danbury Bobcat Sightings, Too Close for Comfort

This morning (4/28/21) on the Ethan and Lou Show we were discussing a viral video from North Carolina. In it, a couple was brutally attacked by a rabid bobcat but according to USA Today, they are going to be OK. 

This sent me off on a tirade about bobcats because this happens to be one of my pet peeves. In the Greater-Danbury area, wildlife sightings are frequent and when one animal gets photographed, everyone piles on and says, yeah me too You saw a bear? I saw a bear! 

I made the case that too many people are claiming to have seen bobcats recently, and with no proof. I said, look I know they are prevalent but they can't be around in the numbers that people will have you believe. Every Frank and Fran in the area says they saw one yesterday. 

I said, if you saw a bobcat, prove it. It looks like I may have been underestimating the bobcats and the Ethan and Lou listeners because they did prove it and in a hurry. These are the Greater-Danbury Bobcat Sightings That are Too Close for Comfort. 

Gallery Credit: Lou Milano

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