I am one of those people who is always trying to make sure I am throwing away stuff correctly. It gets hard now a days with all of the different levels of recycling and composting.

Fortunately for those of us concerned with making the world a little greener and less wasteful there are people who can help right in our communities. Whether you use a commercial garbage hauler or you have a town landfill service you can always find someone to help you understand what goes where when you throw it away.

What We Throw Out has Changed Hudson Valley

New technology has made it easier to sort waste but it has also contributed to the reason we must sort what we throw out more than ever. Day to day trash is pretty straight forward but if you are looking to really make a difference it is important you check in with a garbage expert.

The Ulster County Resource Recovery is a great place to start. Chances are there is a similar organization for your community. Learn about composting if you are ambitious enough to keep up with it. You can also find out about getting rid of electronic, paint and other items that contain materials that should not end up in land fills.

Another great resource is to see if your area has a community drop off day. It's a day in which you can load up your car or van and bring unwanted stuff to one site to be properly handled. Paint, insecticides, electronics and more can all be things that shouldn't end up in your regular trash.

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Town of Montgomery Will Hold a Bulk Drop Off Event for Residents

Look for something like the 3rd Annual Town of Montgomery Bulk Drop Off. Very often you have to prove residency in order to drop off your unwanted items but some of these events don't require you to be from the town. The Montgomery Day is for Montgomery, New York residence only. It runs 3 days September 21,22 and 23. They are charging $20 a car load and it is cash only.

Try this List of Hudson Valley Transfer Stations

Hudson Valley Transfer Stations

This is a list of Hudson Valley Transfer Stations. Most are open to the public but a few have residency restrictions. Transfer stations are the best place to drop off unwanted trash. They sort and properly dispose of all types of materials.

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