Pam Brooks here, but you can also call me PamJam. My first time at i95 was the overnight gig when I was just out of college radio — WXCI at WestConn. I moved on to two other rock stations, but have been happily back rocking at i95 for quite a while. I consider myself so blessed to be employed doing what I do best; talk and play great music, contrary to popular belief that shopping is my forte. I did work in a shoe store while in college, but I never made any money, because I generally spent my whole paycheck on — you guessed it — the shoes. To know me is to know I am an accessories freak and shoe maven. Born and raised in New York, we came to Connecticut when I was 12. I'm an only child who was always the kid in class raising her hand to read out loud. So, not only did that foster my love of public speaking, but also my addiction to books. Now, Let's ROCK!