Time to start ramping up your social calendar for St. Patrick Day celebrations around Connecticut.

Party time, nothing shouts that out quite as much as St. Patrick's Day. So as we get ready for the day itself, Saturday March 17th, the traditional festivities, activities, both adult and family friendly, have already begun around Connecticut. So I thought I'd give you a bit of a handy dandy guide to entertainment.

The season of the wearing of the green kicks off on Saturday, March 10th in Hartford with the Central Connecticut Celtic Cultural Committee and Irish American Home Society’s 47th Annual Greater Hartford St. Patrick's Day Parade.

The parade steps off at 11 a.m. at the state Capitol, proceeds eastward on Capitol Avenue, makes a left on Main Street and then another left at Asylum Street, and then a final left at Ford Street, ending at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch.

For general info, or info on road closures and places to park go to irishamericanparade.com.

If you'd like to make it an entire weekend of parades, you can head to to New Haven the following day, Sunday, March 11th for the The Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade which starts at 1:30 p.m. The parade begins on Chapel Street at Sherman Avenue.

In Greater Danbury, the incredible Irish Rock Band the Mighty Ploughboys will be carrying on their local tradition by playing Daryl's House in Pawling on St. Paddy's day itself, Saturday, March 17 at 8:00 PM.

Then, the celebration will actually continue beyond St. Patrick's Day in Danbury, with a parade hosted by the Greater Danbury Irish Cultural Center on March 25 at 3:00 PM. It starts at St. Peter's Church on Main St., and will be capped off with a party at the Cultural Center complete with corned beef sandwiches, music, and of course, drinks!

Looking for more parades, as well as runs, and some Irish culture click on ctvisit.com

For all things St. Patrick's day including pub crawls, parties and corned beef eats around the state go to courant.com


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