5 Reasons Why You Should Not Panic About The Coronavirus
Look, like it or not, the Coronavirus is here, and everyone should be taking the necessary precautions. But there's one thing we should not be doing, and that's panic.
Now with all the information we're getting from health officials, and all the lifestyle changes we are experiencing, it's easy to freak out about the virus, but according to scientist's in the know, being vigilant is much more important then tending to panic.
According to weforum.org, and a renowned microbiologist, here are five good reasons why you should be concerned, but not be in a state of panic when it comes to dealing with the Coronavirus:
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We Have Already Identified the Virus
There have been many other viruses that have taken some time to identify. The first AIDS cases were discovered in June of 1981. It took more then two years before scientists were able to identify the HIV Virus. With the Coronavirus, the first cases were reported in China in late December, and by January 7, the virus had been identified.
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81% of Cases Are Mild
Some people, around 81% of those that have tested positive for the virus, have experienced very mild or no symptoms at all. However for 14%, it can cause more severe symptoms, and in 5%, it can become critical or even fatal. Since it's still considered a new virus, it's unclear what the death rate may be. It could be lower than some estimates so far.
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Knowing What the Word "Pandemic" Means
Of course we can classify the Coronavirus as a pandemic, but pandemic does not mean it's lethal. It actually refers to how a virus is transmitted and how far it's spread, the geographical extension. Since the virus is highly contagious, and it has spread simultaneously through at least three geographical areas, then it would be considered a pandemic.
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The Virus Can Be Eliminated by Cleaning
One of the bright spots when it comes to the Coronavirus is that it can be wiped clean from surfaces. If you use a solution of ethanol, which includes between 62-71% alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite, you can clean surfaces before they get infected. Als, remember that washing hands frequently with soap and water is another way we can stay protected.
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There Are Already Vaccines Being Tested
Scientists from all over the globe are working around the clock on vaccines to combat the Coronavirus. Compare that to the 2003 SARS epidemic when it took more then a year to get to the point we are at now, or in the 1918 Flu Pandemic that killed more then 25 million people in less then 25 weeks before work even started on a vaccine.