The hot dog, it's as American as you can get. But where's the best places in the Danbury Area to sink your teeth into one. Because it's National Hot Dog Day your in luck. See if any of these are your favorites.

We may embrace the Hot Dog as our own, but truth of the matter is the Hot Dog, or Frankfurter is said to have originated in Frankfurt, Germany, but that was then and this is now. Today (July 19th) we celebrate the Hot Dog in all corners of the world, and to add to your celebration, here's five of the best places in the Danbury area to get your Dog on.

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    JK'S- Danbury

    Their name say's it all "Home of the Original Texas Weiners". Located on South Street.

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    Botsford Drive In- Newtown

    It may not look fancy, but their Hot Dogs are amazing. Located on South Main Street, (Route 25) in Newtown.

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    Fast Frank's- Danbury

    You'll find my buddy Frank nestled between PC Richards and Home Depot everyday. Use 112 Federal Road to navigate to find him.

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    Bethel Hot Dog Palace- Bethel

    Again, not too fancy, but who needs all the bells and whistles when you can sink your teeth into one of their Cheddar Dogs. Located at 44 Stony Hill Road in Bethel.

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    Winnie Lynn's- Danbury

    Winnie Lynn's is a food truck, so you'll find them wherever the party is. Don't let Mike fool you, Lynn is the brains and gourmet chef of this high quality restaurant on wheels.

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